terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009

Story of Love

Marina met Josh on the internet, on an internet dating site. She was enthusiastic about this seemingly kind man. All the time, he told her how beautiful she was, and he wanted to meet her face to face, and to live with her. But they had a big problem: he lived in Australia and she lived overseas.

The time was passing and she was still in love. Six months later, she decided to go to Australia to meet Josh and live with him. She knew it was crazy, but she couldn't continue far away from the man who she thought she loved. She organized her things and travelled to Australia.

In Australia, Josh waited for her at the airport. When she saw him, she felt on top of the world. A beautiful man with blue eyes and smooth hair falling on his forehead was holding a paper with her name. "Everything is perfect!" - she thought.

But, her dream became a nightmare when she arrived home and saw her bedroom. It was a small room at the rear of the house, with a single bed, a bedside table and a desk. She couldn't believe it! She was too tired to ask, she only could sit down and cry.

The following days she worked like a slave. She just cleaned, washed and cooked for him. The gentile man changed into a terrible dictator. He didn't ask, he just gave orders. He didn't speak, he shouted.

She was sad and unhappy. She didn't have money to go back to her country, and Josh hadn't permitted her to work. He didn't know, but she decided to enroll at a local school for a free painting course. She loved drawing and painting. In the afternoon, while he worked, she was at school.

Her teacher, Erick, was an elegant man. The classic black hair and the glasses gave him an intellectual look. On day, he saw her black, red and white painting and asked her, after the class, why she was sad, and was her painting was a mirror of her soul. She looked around and started to cry. When she calmed herself, she explained what was happening. She opened her heart to him. They became good friends.

Everyday, after the class, they met under a big tree at the school garden and talked about a lot of things. She lived in a bad dream at home, but there, with him, she could smile and enjoy herself. She loved it! He was amusing and intelligent. Also, sometimes she thought him handsome.

One day, she was singing while she cleaned the floor, when Josh asked her why she was so happy and if she didn't have enough house work to do. She was so happy that she only smiled and asked if he wanted anything. He didn't answer, but still suspected something.

The next day, he didn't go to work, followed her to school and saw her talking with a man of her class. He was furious. He run to her, pulled her hair, dragged her out to the street and hit her several times. She couldn't defend herself, because he was too strong.

The people on the street helped her, held him and called the police. Everyone was petrified, the didn't understand why it had happened. At this moment, Erick arrived and saw Marina lying unconscious on the street, covered in blood. A mix of feelings flooded his heart: compassion, sadness, worry and maybe love. He didn't think too much, he lifted her into his arms and drove her to the hospital.

She was unconscious for 3 days, Erick sat on the chair beside her bed. Day after day, his feelings for her grew up. He worried about losing her, he worried for her life. He premised to himself that he would never leave her alone, he would care for her and he understood he loved her.

A few days later, when she was allowed to go home, he waited for her with flowers in his hand. He hugged her and confessed to having loved her in silence. She couldn't say anything, because he kissed her with love. They felt their hearts jumping. They were falling in love. He invited her to live with him, but not as a slave. Now she would be the princess of his life.

quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2009

The Woman in Purple

Many years ago, in the 1960s, a homeless woman lived on the street in a rich residential suburb of Salvador, northeast of Brazil. She used to wear purple clothes and people called her " the woman in purple".

She slept on the street, asked for food and coins from everyone and she saw and knew everything that happened there.

It was said, she had seen an important politician kissing a woman who wasn't his wife, but she didn't say anything about that. She was still living her poor life.

One day, when the politician went out from his car and was walking home, she blocked his way and asked for money. But this man didn't look at her, he was still walking when he heard her say: " You'd better have coins, because I know your secret and I think you don't want your wife to know it." He stopped, turned and looked into her eyes, stayed a few minutes in silence and started walking again. He didn't say any single word to her.

The next day, she was missing from the streets. The police asked the residents, but no one had seen or heard anything. So, nobody has seen her again, and this mystery hasn't solved.

quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2009

Sydney Tower

The Sydney Tower is the tallest building in Sydney and the second tallest in Australia. It's a great tower in the heart of the city, in Market Street, between Pitt and Castlereagh Street. There are three main section open to public access: the "Observation Deck", the "OzTrek" and the "Skywalk".

On the Observation Deck it's possible to see a 360° panorama view of Sydney. It's the most beautifful and impressive view of the city. After admiring the landscape, you still can buy souvenirs at the gift shop.

The OzTrek is an amazing virtual reality ride across Australia. It's a 3D holographic movie and 180° cinema screen where you can know a little more about Australia's cultural history and geography.

The last section is for the courageous ones. The Skywalk is an outdoor walk, on an open-air plataform at 268m above ground level. Pure adrenalin!

It's a good idea to go to Sydney Tower if it's your first time in Sydney, because it's possible to see and get to know a little of everything, from the impressive view of Sydney to the curious Australia's Outback.

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2008

Balanço 1* mês!!

Totalmente positivo!!

Adoramos a cidade! ainda estamos na fase de encantamento, tudo ainda nos surpreende: as pessoas, que não estão muito preocupadas com a forma de se vestir (vão do bonito ao ridículo numa velocidade incrível), a facilidade do meio de transporte público, a beleza da cidade e claro, a variedade de cultura. Às vezes andando pelo centro da cidade nos questionamos se estamos mesmo em Sydney, pois a quantidade de asiáticos é enorme, e se ouve muito o idioma chinês nas ruas.

Uma coisa que realmente eu adoro, é a quantidade de verde que a cidade tem. Para qualquer lado que você olhe, tem um parque, um jardim onde as pessoas sentam na grama, para comer, conversar, ou só passar o tempo.

O Botanic Garden fica no coração de Sydney e na hora do almoço é comum você ver pessoas correndo. São pessoas que trabalham no centro e aproveitam a hora do almoço para praticar uma atividade física, depois voltam para o escritório, tomam um banho (no próprio trabalho) e voltam a trabalhar. É um estilo de vida diferente!

Ainda estamos no recomeço, criando uma identidade no país que escolhemos. Estamos estudando o inglês, Wilson para facilitar nas entrevistas de emprego e eu para conseguir me comunicar. Já temos nossa casa, já temos um ciclo de amigos. Aos poucos estamos criando nossa rotina.

As coisas estão acontecendo de uma forma natural. Não que sejam fáceis, muitas vezes precisamos ir mais de uma vez num mesmo lugar para conseguirmos o que queríamos (informação desencontrada), mas pelo menos funcionam. Isso que é importante!

segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2008


Desculpe a falta de notícias...

As coisas aqui acontecem muito rapidamente, tudo é muito e temos muito o que fazer...
No começo fomos conhecer um pouco a cidade, "turistas na cidade que escolhemos viver", mas agora estamos resolvendo as coisas importantes...

Aos poucos as coisas estão acontecendo.
Já formamos um ciclo pequeno de amizade, pessoas que estão sendo muito importantes nesse recomeço. Já encontramos um apartamento (só nos mudaremos na próxima semana), e logo-logo voltaremos a ter nossa casa.
O hostel que ficamos é muito bom, dentro da proposta que tínhamos, mas chega uma hora que um quarto se torna pequeno, e estamos loucos para nos mudar... Risos
As notícias vão chegando aos poucos, fiquem tranquilos...
Bj grande e Saudade!

quinta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2008


Passamos o primeiro dia inteiro no Alfred Park, ainda nos recuperando da viagem. Uma luta constante contra o sono. Por mais que a cabeça afirmasse que deviamos ficar acordados e tentar dormir na hora certa, o corpo não obedeceu. Dormimos quase o dia todo...

No segundo dia, Fomos conhecer a cidade. MARAVILHOSA!! Andamos pelo centro da cidade, começamos a conhecer os pontos turísticos. Opera house, Sydney Tower.

O dia passa muito rápido, e no fim do dia, sentimos o peso de um dia inteiro andando...

Muita coisa ainda para resolver, mas um pouco de diversão não faz mal a ninguém, ainda mais depois de 36h de vôo e 13h de diferença de fuso horário...

quarta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2008

A Viagem!!

A viagem foi cansativa, mas bem menos do que o esperado. O tempo em conexão foi curto, a Lan tem um ótimo serviço, e no trecho Santiago/Sydney dormimos quase a viagem toda. O que confundiu um pouco foi à perda da noção de tempo: Viajamos o tempo inteiro à noite, só depois da Nova Zelândia que clareou e em função da diferença de fuso nunca sabíamos exatamente quanto tempo faltava para chegar.
Na chegada, estávamos tensos quanto à alfândega, afinal, viajamos com 5 malas e depois de tantas horas de vôo o cansaço físico e mental era grande. Declaramos tudo no questionário e passamos tranquilamente, sem abrirem nada.
O engraçado é a sensação de tontura que fica depois. Muito estranho!! Uma instabilidade ao andar e ao fechar os olhos, que foi diminuindo com o passar do tempo.

quarta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2008

Festa de Despedida

A imagem já diz tudo.

Falta pouco tempo para embarcarmos, dá um friozinho na barriga e uma ansiedade enorme, mas não será um adeus, será um "até logo". Brasil e Austrália se unirão nos nossos corações.
É longe, mas com a tecnologia a nosso favor, essa distância se tornará mais curta. Estaremos sempre postando novidades, notícias, curiosidades, fotos...

A festa foi linda!!

Uma noite de alegria e descontração, compartilhada com amigos e familiares. Como o tempo em Salvador foi curto, ela foi uma ótima oportunidade de reencontro. Uma pena as faltas...
Um momento a mais para ficar na lembrança.

Mila, como sempre uma "lady"...

Miloca passou a festa recepcionando os convidados, pois ela também foi uma anfitriã. Estamos felissíssimos, para quem ainda não sabe ela também irá para a Austrália!!
Estaremos esperando com o coração repleto de saudade!!
Demorará ainda um tempinho, mas valerá a pena!!

quarta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2008


"Toda saudade é a presença da ausência,
de alguém, de algum lugar, de algo enfim.
Súbito o não toma forma de sim,
como se a escuridão se pudesse a luzir.
Da própria ausência de luz,
o clarão se produz, o sol na solidão.
Toda saudade é um capuz transparente que veda
e ao mesmo tempo traz a visão do que não se pode ver
porque se deixou trás mas que se guardou no coração"

Adoro poemas, vão se acostumando... (risos)
